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Three 7 Tees

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What you pay for simple designed t-shirts elsewhere is what ours cost to create. That said, we charge more for our shirts. What you get for your hard-earned money here are awesome designs, that no one else is putting out. You’re getting full print shirts, with not only one, but two awesome designs, from neck to arse. The most important aspect of Three 7 Tees is that we’re putting our money where our mouth is. Depending on our sales (obviously), our goal for year one is to raise, at least a million dollars to go towards safe houses and freeing women & children from traffickers. That’s more than you can say for ANY scummy politician! Please consider partnering with us to reach our goals of setting the captives free and making a tangible difference in this ever-darkening world. Enjoy the designs and keep your eyes out for promotions & limited editions. 
God Bless and stay faithful!

Check back for updates on testimonies and what we’re doing to help Set the Captives Free.

Donations to Safe Houses
1 Million Dollar Goal 0%

Be sure to check back for new designs 

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